Velocity Blog

I wrote out the ending of Velocity about two months ago, I still don’t have a lot of the stuff written that leads up to the finale but I keep looking at it, wondering if the course I’m taking is the right one. I’ve had this plot point that ends book 4 in mind for... Continue Reading →


Project wordcount: 22,609 / 100,000 Let me tell you what. Having a writing session word count of 2000 has been freaking delightful. I'm just so shocked that I'm 20k right now. Seeing the book grow in leaps and bounds every week is honestly intense. I haven't felt this kind of ravenous writing energy in years.... Continue Reading →


There's this point I've reached with a section of the story where it's starting to look less like a jumble of scenes and more like a cohesive idea. I've been churning away at the scenes I already had in my head but interestingly enough, as soon as one is out of my head, another fills... Continue Reading →


If you like what you see here and want to buy me a coffee for my efforts donate here. Current Word Count as of writing this blog post: 8205 Here I am thinking about the whole thing. The big picture. The "what does it all mean?" I have separated all the Kinetics books into very... Continue Reading →

Velocity Blog 01

This blog will come once a week to discuss what I'm working with and on while writing Velocity: In Search of Eugene. If you like what you see here and want to buy me a coffee for my efforts donate here. VELOCITY BLOG 01 What does it look like to write a book? I think... Continue Reading →

State of My Personal Union 9-5-2023

One of the Patreon covers for Victory or Hope. Always Writing Guess what ya'll. I finally did it. I finally wrote a book not in the Kinetics series (we aren't counting the fanfiction). It's heading into a couple months of editing via alpha readers, beta readers, and maybe even a pro editor! I'm flirting with... Continue Reading →

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